Sunday 24 August 2014

Party in the car park

Hey Guys! 

So firstly I want to apologise for not posting yesterday, I haven't been feeling great for the last couple of days so haven't felt like blogging. 
I may also stick to blogging daily instead of every day. I've seen in blogger chats that it can be damaging and that you can loose interest and I don't want that to happen! Blogging should always be a hobby, never a chore. 

Anyway, I went to party in the car park recently which is held in a local pub car park near me. It's a great day where local bands perform and there's also a BBQ and stalls. 

I didn't have the BBQ as I didn't feel like eating too much but I really enjoyed listening to the music throughout the day.

I left a little early as it did start raining but luckily it was lovely weather for the majority of the day!

We did of course, have to make dad have the pink umbrella. He didn't seem to mind too much.



  1. hope you're feeling better!

  2. yum, BBQ! and your dad is a good sport for using the pink umbrella! :D


  3. I nominated you for the Liebster Award :)
