Tuesday 19 August 2014

5 Things That Make Me Happy!

Hey Guys!
Today I've decided to do more of a positive post, as it's nearly time to go back to school and the warm sunny days seem a distant memory I thought we could all do with a little pick me up!
1. Friends

This has to be probably the number one thing that makes me happy, a lot of my friends are really more like sisters. They're always there for me and there have been some pretty difficult times where I've needed them! They never fail to make me laugh and make me feel better and I know I can share pretty much anything with them.
2. Family

Of course family is also hugely important to me, I know that my parents will always be there for me and they are the two people that have seen me at my lowest but never gave up on me. They truly believe in me which is what I love the most about them! They know me better than anyone.

3. Travelling

I love adventure and I love travelling to new places. I've been lucky enough to travel to some amazing places and have been going abroad since I was very young for holidays. I love experiencing new things and discovering new places.

4. Making someone smile

This might sound so cheesy so I apologise for that. I run a charity which sends gifts to children with serious conditions and illnesses and there is no better feeling than knowing that you have made someone's day and made someone smile!

5. Blogging!

Of course, I had to include blogging on the list! Although it does take up a lot of time, I really enjoy having this little space on the internet and it really makes my day when someone takes the time to leave a lovely comment. I've also met so many other lovely bloggers through this and love the blogging community.



  1. aww I think these same five thinks are what make ME happy too :)


  2. I love blogs that promote positivity! This is a great post xx

    http://augustinasodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/ xx

  3. This post is so lovely! Aww :)

  4. This is so LOVELY! I agree with them all, even though I don't show it sometimes xxx

    Blonde of Carbs

  5. Great post. I love thinking about the things that make me happy, travelling is one of mine, I love just thinking about or planning travelling. Makes me so excited.

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine
