Tuesday 19 May 2015

Ah, Politics.

Hey Guys!
So recently the news has been full of the build up and the results of the general election and what another Conservative Government means for the UK.
When I was younger I used to sit and listen to my Grandad talk about politics and generally thought that it was a concern to the older generation, I realise now that it actually affects the younger generation (or us) quite a lot.

A lot of young people don't vote and I understand why, I'm not old enough to vote yet but when I am I will do. I think it's a case of being unsure of the policies and generally a lack of interest and trust in politics.

I have had a bit of experience and gained some knowledge about politics. My parents were never interested in politics so I'm not sure where this interest came from but I have always believed in standing up when you disagree with something and that is what I hope I can do.
When I was younger I joined the Conservative Future, this wasn't particularly because of the party, I didn't know too much about the Conservatives then if I'm completely honest but it was the only group for young people interested in politics that I know about in the area.

I learnt a lot from that experience. I was the youngest person in the group and I wanted to have a voice, particularly for young people. They were nice people but our views often contrasted. I remember one meeting they had a debate between comprehensive and private schools, I admit, I was at a disadvantage. Everyone in the group had gone to private school except me. I knew that there was going to be someone giving a speech on why private education was better and so I thought it only fair to do the same, with comprehensives.

I was nervous. Very nervous. I've always struggled with confidence and I knew I was fighting a losing battle and everyone in the group would disagree. The other speech was a lot more articulate, using complex vocabulary that I didn't understand and still probably wouldn't. It wasn't about that for me, it was about getting my point across in a relatable way.
The truth is, for me it's not about who's in power. Politics is weird and that's the only way I can think to describe it. Whoever is in power and whatever they're doing there's always going to be someone else that isn't happy about it. The message I think is to most importantly, stand up for what you believe in and if you don't like something, don't moan about it, have a go at getting your voice heard and you never know you might change it.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect

Hey Guys! So today I thought I'd try and clear something up. I started blogging through an enjoyment of writing, I liked the fun and the confidence it gave me. It felt great when people commented on my posts or told me they enjoyed reading one of them but for me, it was never solely about followers, it was more about a voice. I admit, I have to been caught up in this culture of blogging 'competition' a few times myself. There is so much pressure for everything to appear perfect but in fairness, the blogging world is an entirely different world to reality and that is exactly why my blog is not perfect. My layout isn't professionally designed, I make some mistakes in spellings sometimes, my photos don't always fit properly and I am definitely one of the least technologically 'savvy' people. But despite its many flaws I enjoy writing here. I know mainly its about fashion and beauty but I definitely want to bring a new side to the blog on subjects that have affected me and are of a concern to me. I want to share more about my life and I hope that by doing this it could help go someway into helping others too. There is so many posts around now on blogging content, design, tips, stats etc.. and although many of these posts are by successful bloggers who I respect and have many followers I think to an extent the real reason behind blogging has been lost. I believe it should be done through passion. I know this is a slightly different post and I understand that everyone has their own blogging preferences, this post is probably most likely for bloggers like myself or new bloggers who don't know too much about layouts etc but enjoy the concept of blogging for what it is and the experiences it can provide. x~Jess~x