Friday 22 August 2014

A reflective post

Hey Guys!

So yesterday was quite a hectic day! I got my GCSE results.
School hadn’t been an easy ride; in Year 8 I had a lot of time off after suffering complications following an operation. I lost a lot of confidence at that point and struggled to fit back in to routine. It was something that all my teachers were aware off and a lot of them did their very best to support me.

I wasn’t expecting brilliant grades; I’d always been an average student and had never got an A in anything. I was shocked when I opened the paper to find that I had achieved 2 A’s, 2 B’s, 2 C’s and 2 D’s.

What got to me most however was how pleased my teachers seemed to be for me. I panicked so much that I had messed up my English exam but ended up coming out with an A which I would have never of expected. After I finished the exam I went to speak to my teacher as I was worried I would fail, she was concerned but I could tell she didn’t want to make me panic any more than I already was.

Several teachers came and congratulated me, saying how proud they were after what I had overcome. That meant a lot. I felt as though I was appreciated, that someone believed in me. It was something that I rarely saw.

After results I bounced around the house for a bit before letting family and friends know the good news! It turned out they were all anxious to hear the results, I never realised how much support I had.

I decided right there and then that this was a fresh start. Over the years certain people have put me down and let’s just say it didn’t make me feel great. However, after yesterday I’ve learnt that those kinds of people don’t matter. I need to stop thinking that I can’t achieve anything just because one or two people are of that opinion. There are a lot of people that do believe in me, they have done all along and want to see me achieve.

I hope that I can come back and read this post whenever someone puts me down, I hope it gives me the motivation to think “no, you’re wrong, I can do this” and that I make those around me proud of me.

I hope that everyone got the results they wanted today, I know I did a short post on exams before I got my results so I apologise for that, I just felt that this would be beneficial to me for my own reflection later on.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results” – Willie Nelson



  1. Well done Jess! It's so nice to hear about your success and the fact that you felt supported by your teachers. You can now always hold onto the fact that you faced adversity at school and came out on top!

  2. Aww well done Jess! You did amazing and should be very proud :) xx

  3. That's awsome you go girl :D Hope everything goes going better and better because you deserve it :D xxx

    Lots of love,
    Clara :D xxx

  4. Huge congratulations for your results! Such a brilliant achievement! :)

  5. Well done you've done amazingly despite what you've been through, congrats! xxx

    Blonde of Carbs

  6. Well done on your results! xx


  7. Well done on brilliant results! and you can achieve anything you wish to if you have the determination to do so. :)
