Friday 15 August 2014


Hey guys!

So I've seen a lot of blog posts and videos recently about getting results and going back to school.
I was trying to delay this post for as long as possible but I know that there is a lot of teenagers that will soon be going back to school and collecting GCSE results.
I think the first thing to remember is that these results don't define you, they don't limit what you will go on to achieve in the future. We all know that there is a lot of successful people that didn't do particularly great at school.
You're probably feeling quite anxious at this point too. You're trying to predict the results you're going to get before you get them and starting to panic. Take some deep breathes, go for a walk and clear your mind. This can help you to see things in a much more positive light.
A further tip that I'd suggest is to avoid Facebook. I know that sounds a bit drastic as most of us have our phones constantly glued to our hand but I've already seen so many people saying how nervous they are and the night before collecting results you don't need the extra worry.
Try and keep busy in the build up to results day as this will help to take your mind of things and give you something to focus on.
Remember that no amount of worrying will change your results, you won't be helping yourself by constantly worrying. However, I am guilty of this myself and know that it is easier said than done.

It's not the end of the world if you don't get the results that you hoped for there will always be other options and things always work out in the end. 

Good luck to everyone collecting their results and if you have already collected A-Level results, I hope you got the results you wanted!



  1. Great advice! Definitely in need right now haha :)

  2. Hi I have nominated you for a liebster award

  3. Great post!
