Wednesday 20 August 2014

Ladies Day At The Races!

Hey Guys!

So at the weekend I went to Ladies Day at Southwell Racecourse. I know that horse racing isn't to everyone's taste and I do completely understand that. My family are very interested in horse racing so I have been going to the races now and then for a few years now.
It was very cold at the weekend and I only had a dress on so was freezing! I had to grab my cardigan from the car and me and mum wrapped ourselves in the picnic blanket, yes, it really was that cold.

After the racing there was a Take That tribute act. It got very rowdy around this point and I have to be honest, I didn't think they were particularly good. We danced around to try and keep as warm as we could but I can't say it helped too much!

I did straighten my hair but by lunchtime you wouldn't have been able to tell! Unfortunately I forgot to bring anything to tie it back with so it kept blowing around in my face. I picked up my dress in the sale at Dorothy Perkins for £10 and the necklace for £3. I think next time I will check the weather forecast beforehand but I will enjoy wearing this dress again on some warmer days!




  1. Shame about the weather. You look lovely though.

    Cat from OutsideBeautyInsideHealth

    1. Aw thank you! Hopefully it will be warmer next year! x

  2. You looked lovely Jess! Hope you enjoyed it x

  3. I've never been to the races! I had an opportunity a few years back but I never took it up. Ahh, the joys of weather!

  4. You look lovely, I find so much in Dorothy Perkins sale it's great, hidden gems! xxx

    Blonde of carbs

  5. Looks like you had so much fun. xx


  6. oh the weather hates my hair and whenever I straighten it... it just never stays straight lol looks like you had a fun day! :)

