Saturday 15 August 2015

A week in Zante!

Hey Guys!

I know I haven't posted much recently and I'm really determined to try and getting better at more regular and consistent posting. 

Yesterday I got back after spending a week in Zante, the island is beautiful and it was lovely to be able to get away from everything and relax, travelling is one of my passions and everytime I go somewhere like this it makes me appreciate the world and makes me curious to explore it more. 

I'm not the type to sit by the pool and aim to get a tan, I don't tan I burn too easily, so I was determined from the start to explore the local area as much as I could. I went on two trips, to see the turtles and a jeep safari of the island to take in some of it's amazing views

One of the most curious things I saw whilst there was a floating shop, I thought if was such a great idea with all the boat trips around the area and had a unique appeal, I thought there was something genius there.

From a young age my parents have always seen the importance of travel, I live in a small village and although it is lovely to be able to know everyone and be in the countryside it is also good to know that there is more to this world, there is so much left to explore and one day I hope to travel to world even more! 

Let me know what you're up to this summer and if you have anything excitif planned
