Thursday 14 January 2016

3 things my Grandad taught me

Hey Guys! 

This in many ways is a very personal post, my Grandad passed away a few years ago now and although I didn't see him as often as I would have liked to due to him living in Devon, I still considered myself to be very close to him and he taught me some very important things.

1) She who worries most, worries before it is necessary
I've always been a worrier and anyone that's close to me will know that I remember telling my grandad one time that I was worried about my upcoming GCSE exams, that was the quote he said to me. Unfortunately he didn't see the results of those exams but I do know that if he had, he would of been proud of me for doing well in them. 

2) Be true to yourself 
Throughout his life I can say that my grandad remained true to himself. If he didn't like someone, chances were they knew about it. I admired him for that, he never pretended to be anyone that he wasn't and he never tried to please anyone else. 

3) Get some fun out of every day
I admit, as my grandad aged and became weaker this did get more difficult . However he always made an effort to leave the house as he seemed to always be happier when he saw me smiling, whether that was a trip to the local newsagents or a day trip to the beach, he was always there for me and always made a real effort to make me happy. 
