Friday 17 October 2014

Recycling old clothes OOTD

Hey Guys! 

So I don't really wear skirts anymore so I decided to dig out some of my old clothes from the back of my wardrobe and see what outfit I could throw together! 

My friend got me this necklace for my birthday and I really like it with this outfit! The top is from Primark and the skirt is from a local boutique. 

Obviously it is getting a little bit colder now and so I will be wearing this top with my black cardigan when I go out later today.

This skirt only cost about £4 and it has actually lasted really well, I bought it about a year ago from a small local boutique but unfortunately the shop has since closed down which is such a shame.

Sorry I had to take these pictures with my phone so they aren't great quality, I seem to have misplaced my camera somewhere but hopefully it will turn up soon. 


Twitter: @simplyjess97
Instagram: @heyitsjess97

1 comment:

  1. Cute skirt. Like it. xx
